July 14, 2014

Week 17!!

Week 17 Baby D is 5 oz {the size of a turnip} 5 inches
Size of Baby: 

Baby's Heartbeat on last visit: 155

Maternity Clothes:
loving all my new clothes! 
Who cares about electricity and sliced bread... Maternity pants are the best invention in the history of the world..
Gender: Will find out soon!
Name: several possibilities- We have a girl's name set in stone, but no idea on a boy name. 
Movement: I feel tiny little movement!! I thought it was gas, but learned that that is actually "flutters" whoo hooo!!!
What I Miss: Sleeping peacefully on my stomach!
Cravings: Ramen Noodles and Hot Cheetos.....this kid is prepared to be a broke college student.

Symptoms: Round ligament pain, slight pain that jabs every once in awhile

Best moment of the week: I had a great week! I am really loving my job....most people would be bummed that they have to work on the 4th of July, but I absolutely loved it!  We were able to serve over 300 veterans and people in the homeless population of Vegas!  I was in charge of serving the apple pie! They had the music playing and "God Bless America" came over the loud speaker...I started getting teary eyed...maybe it was the fact that I was surrounded by men that had served our country or the whole pregnancy factor, but either way it was an amazing time!  After the bbq was over,  my friend Stefani and I drove up to Utah to meet our families who had gone up the day before for a weekend of camping!  It was a weekend with the David's and Scheppman's full of fishing, camping, s'mores, and fireworks! The best moment was hanging out with everyone sitting under a blanket outside and watching it rain.  Such a relaxing and peaceful weekend!

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