July 3, 2014

Week 16

Week 16
 Size of Baby: Baby D is 3.5 oz {the size of an Avacado} 4.5 inches

Baby's Heartbeat on last visit: 155
Maternity Clothes: My sister, her sister-in-law,  and my best friend Bekah all contributed to clothing me for the next 5 months!! I went to Texas this weekend and brought a giant empty suitcase to fill up, I will be living out of this suitcase!!
Gender: Will find out soon!
Name: several possibilities- We have a girl's name set in stone, but no idea on a boy name.
Movement: I feel tiny little movement!! I thought it was gas, but learned that that is actually "flutters" whoo hooo!!!
What I Miss: fitting into my old clothes!
Cravings: chick-fil-a!! but the closest one is 200 miles away…woo woo is me!!
Symptoms: this was my first week at my new job and the first week in my whole pregnancy that I had constant morning sickness! I'm sure the nausea was all a combined effort of stress, lack of sleep and a growing baby...but what the hey, I thought I skipped out on the whole throw up stuff after the first 12 weeks!!
Best moment of the week: Thursday through Sunday I had a girls reunion with all my best friends from college.  It's amazing because we all met our first week of college as Freshman and did everything together for the next 4 years! We were all in each other's wedding and now we reunite once a year because that friendship is so valuable to us and incredibly hard to come by.  We stayed up late talking most night and at one point or another we all took turns crying, life is tough sometimes and it is nice to have a safe place to talk and have great friends to rally around you!! On Sunday before I got on the plane to come home, I was able to stop in with Kyle's best friend and his wife's house for some waffles!  They are always so encouraging…I got on the plane headed back to Vegas wishing Texas wasn't so dang far away!!  On Monday, I started my new job and as a celebration, my mother-in-law and future sister-in-law, all went to a show on the strip! It was called "Le Reve" and I highly recommend it!! So all in all I had a lot of best moments this week! I have so much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a good weekend in Tx and hooray for Baby D's movements!!
