January 18, 2015

1 month old!

One month old

I can't believe that Jaden is about to be one month old!! I love watching him discover the world and begin connecting with Kyle and I! My greatest accomplishment this month has been managing to shower almost everyday and getting dressed and matching most days (who am I kidding..tshirt and sweatpants always match) Also, kyles birthday was saturday and I managed to make a cake while holding Jaden...barefoot with a baby, baking in the kitchen...it doesn't get more classic than that! 

A couple of things I want to remember about Jadens first month of life.

1. In the first 2 weeks he loved being swaddled, in the last 2 weeks he has become a little Houdini and managed to free his arms everytime. We had a special Velcro thing made for swaddling and jaden managed to free his arms some how... He has won this battle and We have started putting him in wearable blankets every night which allows him to have his arms free and his body swaddled. Also, best invention for PJ's are the pj's with the zippers...the button and snap PJ's are the definition of evil for moms changing a kid at 2 am! No matter how many times I start over there always seems to be extra snaps without a mate left over!

2. He hates a pacifier. He is dramatic in his dislike for a pacifier, I've tried multiple times to get him to take it, but he will gag and cough like someone just tried to strangle him. He is no fool when it comes to knowing what produces milk and what doesn't.

3. He loves to eat. This kid has gained a pound a week every week and is now dressed in all 3 month clothing! Thankfully at night he wakes up, eats and goes back to sleep without much of a fuss, but when this kid is hungry, he means it. He is a mellow and chill baby until someone withholds his food for too long and then it's no more MR nice kid! During his growth spurt he ate around the clock and neither of us slept..apparently another one is coming at 6-8weeks...I'm preparing mentally for those few days!

4. His head control is incredible. During tummy time he keeps his head up and can turn it both ways to follow my voice around the room. He also maintains great eye contact. He rolled to his side the other day and Kyle and I both told him to stop growing up. 

Here are some photos to enjoy

1 comment:

  1. That he can turn his head and is so alert is amazing!! Good job Jaden!! You're precious!
