February 16, 2011

Forever Designs

Hey guys! just wanted to share some of the stuff I've been designing for the Olympic Forever team! Check Check Check it out. This is the front of the cards and the back of the cards have information about how to get involved!  If you want a card, send me your address and I'll mail you one :)

1 comment:

  1. First off, your design skills are improving noticeably. I feel like your starting to pay more attention to typography and producing clean designs - it really shows in all of these cards.

    My favorites are cards 2 and 3. I epically like the 2nd card - great concept and you did a great job matching the limbs to create the illusion of a single person. My only critique would be the inner shadow on "forever," I don't think it was necessary in this context but that's just my preference. Card 3 is also great and could easily see it as a poster. Great choice of typeface for across the board in this one and I really dig the montage of photos creating the "F."

    Great job. No need to bash on this one.

    - Zach
