February 18, 2010

Week one: Character and Nature of God

This week has been a crazy week!  We started lectures and they have been amazing.  This weeks focus has been on the character and nature of God.  We have taken different aspects of who God is and looked deeper at these things.  With all the dimintions of God there is no way to put him in a box and label him.  I have really  enjoyed the lessons and can see that these next 6 months are going to be a crazy honeymoon time between me and the Father.  God is wooing me and romancing me and it is unlike anything I have experienced before.  It might hurt to dig up things from the past and deal with them, but I am ready to go deeper.  He is the potter and I want to be clay, and be completely open to what he has for me. 

Already this week, I have seen something unlike anything I have experienced before.  I broke my toe before I came to Australia and then broke it again while surfing.  We were all sitting around talking one night and 2 of the guys on my team asked if anyone had prayed for my toe yet, and I said no, kinda thinking that was a silly question, and laughed about it.  They then asked if they could pray over my foot and they started praying words with power and authority over the healing of my toe, and I got up and could move my toe!  Then we sat back down and continued to pray more, and this time I believed 100% that it was going to happen and suddenly I was able to run around and jump around!! We serve a BIG God!

More stories to come, I'm off to learn how to play Cricket!! FUN FUN FUN!!

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