October 30, 2009


If the gospel is simply about individual conversion, then all you get is this self-seeking, selfcentered faith that says, “Fix me...make much of me...heal me...make me right.” But the good news of the resurrection is that we’ve been called to greater purposes, greater glories. We’ve been called to the mission? Of what? Well He already said. Remember? He takes them up to the hill, He’s about to ascend and He goes, “You go and tell everyone that injustice, sorrow and death are over. And you tell them everywhere that I have saved them from, and now I save them to.” And so our lives and our wallets and our houses and our cars and our jobs, it all flows through that lens. And I think this is why Christianity gets a little goofy, because I think it becomes self-help to most of us.  If you’re waiting until you’re perfect to live life on mission, you’re going to die without much mission. It’s coming. Do you get this? Do you get that 6000 years ago He told Abram, “This is how it’s going down,” and it has stayed true to the line right up until now where a massive portion of Africa has become believers, a massive portion of China has become believers, South America is blowing up with the gospel? Do you get that the gospel is penetrating the world? Do you know how this ends? With you and me in front of Him, with the kingdom of God, new heaven, new earth coming down, no more injustice, no more pain, no more sorrow, God’s redeemed, God’s elect, the kingdom of God established.

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