February 12, 2015

Maternity leave

Maternity leave

My maternity leave is coming to an end. I've had the best time with jaden the past 8 weeks!

Our routine consist of waking up around 7am, coming downstairs and checking out what the monkeys on jadens bouncer have been up to all night. We have named them Steve and George, jaden rarely pays george any attention and when he does its a death stare. Here are a few photos of jaden and his boys.

He likes Steve

But doesn't know what to think about george!

Next, Jaden takes a nap and I eat breakfast while watching my Netflix. I started watching friends at season 1, I'm currently on the last season and hoping I can conquer the whole series in the next 2 days!

When Jaden wakes up, we practice a bit of tummy time and then we usually errands....most of the time it's to target so we can walk around and look at all the things I don't need. I've gotten much more confident in taking jaden out, the first few times, if he would even whimper in the slightest, I would freak out and pack him in the car and head home. If he whimpered in the car, I would pull over immediately and make sure he was still breathing...now in the car, if he starts crying, I go through my list of songs I know and sing them as loud as I can, it's fun for me and it usually distractions him long enough to make it home. 
My travel and shopping buddy
When we get back, Jaden goes down for another nap. This nap I usually clean up the house and look at all the home improvement ideas on Pinterest...luckily, I am going back to work, otherwise I would have destroyed the house will all sorts of pinterest fails. I'm not the type that has attention to detail. I did manage to do a couple of home improvement and organizing projects. 

Kyle comes home after jadens afternoon nap, and we start his bedtime routine, he loves his baths and his dad gives the best baths!! Then it's bedtime and we get ready to start our day on repeat! 

I have had the best time with him and I'm so lucky I got to stay home with him for 8 weeks instead of the typical 6! I know that tuesDay is a few days away and I am completely dreading handing him over to the daycare lady! In 20 years he won't remember being dropped off at daycare, but I will and it already makes me emotional just thinking about leaving him. I know it will be good for him, but I wish I could have just 2 more months!

1 comment:

  1. Bless his little heart!! I love that y'all have had the best time these last few weeks, he is precious! You'll be ok going back, it'll make coming home that much better
