July 24, 2012

The Olympics are HERE!

With only 3 days left until the Opening Ceremonies, it is so exciting to see everything around here come together and begin to take off!  Tomorrow, everyone starts arriving on base to start the orientation of doing outreach in London and then Friday they are sent out through all the boroughs of London using sports, arts, youth and children, social justice, prayer and general mission to flood the streets with the Love of Jesus!  This is what we have been working so many hours for the last few years organizing, preparing, praying and waiting patiently for July 25th, 2012 to finally get here!  

If any of you have ever been to a Texas Tech football game, it feels like that moment when the band starts the beginning drum roll, the fans start the "2 bits, 4 bits" chant, the tunnel is full of fog, and the gun is about to sound for the team to run out on the field.  I always get those nervous butterflies in my stomach, waiting for team to arrive, for the kick off to happen, and ultimately the finish of the game (with a victory of course...I mean we are talking about the red raiders here haha;))

That's how I feel right now on a much bigger, eternally significant scale! The teams are about to arrive, butterflies in my stomach are out of control because of the anticipation and expectancy to see how God is going to show up and show off during these games!!  I am excited to see all the spectacular plays and incredible moves God is going to do!  Already this summer with only 4 days of outreach and just 200 people, we have heard of 129 people accepting Christ for the first time and over 50 people healed!  This is cool news because people talk about England as being a reserved country and shut off to the gospel...but what we have seen is that God is on the move and revival is here!!

During the next few weeks of the Olympics, my main job is going into London visiting the thousands of people on outreach and writing their story and ultimately God's story and what he is doing.  Everyday there will be articles, photos, and video of what's happening, so I will post stuff here as well as you can look at www.forever2012.com and see what we are writing and producing! 

Prayer request:

Safety - We will be using every source of transportation during the Olympics from buses, trains and the underground tube station. Pray that there will be safety as we travel and peace among those threatening to attack.  Pray for wisdom for the thousands and thousands of security guards, police force, and military personnel to guard and protect.

Energy - 2 years of working on this project has been full of ups and down and just energy for me to finish strong and finish with my eyes and focus on Jesus.

The outreach - that we will see revival in the people of London and the millions of visitors coming from around the world!! People will experience not the religion of christianity but the Love of Jesus.  People will find hope, purpose, and identity outside of science, different gods, and themselves that have been unable to fulfill or answer those questions within them. That Jesus furious love for his creation will be known among all nations!


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