October 31, 2010

My First Design Project

This week, we have been learning about the importance of design and how every image, every color, and every word have meaning.  Something that looks cool with no content is worthless.  We started out with an art project and were each given a topical word.  From that topic, we had to create a design that represented that word.  My word was Success.  When I was thinking of the word success, I thought it really depends on whose perspective you are looking at when defining success.  Like a successful day for batman is different from a successful day of a stay at home mom, and a business man would think of success in different terms than a sports star.  As I was writing down these terms, I thought of how God would define success, and how sometimes the things we throw our energy into now, are really eternally insignificant.  So here is my representation of Success.  The roots on the dead tree are things that you can throw your life ambitions into and then the eternal effects is no fruits, but if you dig deep and define your measure of success through a biblical perspective, the fruits have a lasting eternal significant like the evergreen tree.  Good Stuff!  Next week is photoshop and we have already created a magazine in InDesign, but maybe I will post more on that next week! Tchau!

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