September 11, 2014

Week 26

Size of Baby: Jaden now weighs 1.67 pounds and 14 inches long {the size of a head of lettuce} 
Baby's Heartbeat on last visit: 147

Maternity Clothes: Wearing all maternity clothes and T-shirts size Large and up...that baby bump popped out of nowhere!


Name: Jaden Lee David

Movement: I was lounging on my couch with the remote control on my belly and baby kicked so hard, he knocked the remote off my stomach. I thought...ohh cool trick and tried to recreate it, but I think he got shy under pressure.

What I Miss: Getting up out of bed or a chair without having to strategically think and plan out how I'm going to roll out without straining myself!

Cravings: The other day I looked down and noticed I was eating pickles and ice cream together...I am officially living up to the pregnancy stereotypes! 

Symptoms: Charlie Horses and terrible gas pain...YIKES!

Best moment of the week: The youth group that I help lead a senior girls bible study kicked off this week after being on a break for the summer.  We were expecting 150 students and had almost 300 show up!  God is up to something in Vegas!